People think just because you have social media its a good thing, there’s also pros and cons to it. Yes there are pros like talking to friends and family, promoting your business, building relationships and staying connected.
But there are also cons, social media can cause depression and anxiety, spread of fake news, and privacy concerns. Social media can also be addictive. A lot of people that have social media today are addicted to apps like Snapchat, Tik Tok, Instagram, Facebook , and Twitter.
These apps can push out negative or depressive information to people that are already going through enough. Its not bad if you spend 3-4 hours a day on social media, but you shouldn’t be on it all day. Throughout the day you should be busy and productive.
Social media is bad especially for teens because they get exposed to this negative environment, which causes them to be someone there not. In fact, shooting schools came from social media and got exposed to teens that are in middle and high school. Now teens are bringing weapons to school, and using them because they saw someone on social media do it. So let’s use our time wisely and do something productive each day. Instead of being on social media for hours.