We all know how important reading is for our minds, even more so for younger people! Reading increases knowledge acquisition, vocabulary development, critical thinking skills, concentration and focus, empathy and understanding, mental stimulation, stress reduction and of course entertainment. For all of these reasons, reading is a fundamental part of education and personal development. Frederick county is home to forty five thousand students, ten were interviewed so we can take a closer look at their reading habits.
During the interviews students were asked the following questions:
- What is your name?
- What is your current grade?
- Are you in honors ELA, and do you find ELA to be challenging?
- How many books have you read this year?
- Are you currently reading a book, If so what book?
- What is your favorite book genre?
- Do you enjoy reading, why or why not?
The ten surveyed students expressed their opinions about reading and their overall bookworm habits.
Interviewee No.1
Question 1. “Madeline B.”
Question 2. “12th”
Question 3. “I’m taking dual enrollment English,” (ENGL 102), “I don’t find the coursework challenging, but finding time and energy to complete assignments can be.”
Question 4. “0 books.”
Question 5. “Yes! I’m currently reading We Hunt The Flame by Hafsah Faizal.”
Question 6. “Fantasy.”
Question 7. “I find reading enjoyable. Even though I don’t read often, I find it fun to use my imagination and visualize the made up worlds and characters I read about.”
Interviewee No.2
Question 1. “Daniel E.”
Question 2. “Ninth grade, freshman yippie!”
Question 3. “I am in honors, and it feels the same as honors last year (so far at least).”
Question 4. “I can’t give an exact number, but it’s around four.”
Question 5. “We’re currently reading To Kill A Mockingbird in ELA.”
Question 6. “Realistic or normal fiction!”
Question 7. “I like reading a lot, but only if it;s a good book. If I don’t enjoy the book all that much, it just becomes a chore.”
Interviewee No.3
Question 1. “Lilu N.”
Question 2. “I am a sophomore, and I am in grade ten.”
Question 3. “I’m taking honors ELA in the second semester and it’s usually not that challenging for me!”
Question 4. “I have read probably three or four.”
Question 5. “Right now I am not currently reading a book.”
Question 6. “My favorite book genre is fiction for sure! It is really fun to imagine yourself in the character’s shoes.”
Question 7. “And yeah, I do enjoy reading because you get to see these different perspectives of people’s lives. So yeah, it’s really fun!”
Interviewee No.4
Question 1. “Bianca G.”
Question 2. “Eighth.”
Question 3. “I’m not in honors.”
Question 4. “This year I have read six books, and I’m working on two more at the moment.”
Question 5. “I’m reading Heroes Of Olympus, Son of Neptune by Rick Roridan.”
Question 6. “Fictional adventure. I also like historical fiction too!”
Question 7. “Unless it’s something I take interest in… No, I hate reading! But I do like the books I’ve read so far this year!”
Interviewee No.5
Question 1. “Ekow K.”
Question 2. “Second Grade.”
Question 3. “No, I am not in honors ELA!”
Question 4. “This school year I have read 15 books so far.”
Question 5. “Am currently reading the Bible.”
Question 6. I like to read animal books, especially ones about exotic animals!”
Question 7. “It all depends on what type of books, and I always enjoy reading animal books!”
Interviewee No.6
Question 1. “Jordan G.”
Question 2. “Tenth grade.”
Question 3. “I do not have honors ELA until next semester, but based on past years I don’t necessarily think it’s too difficult, but I think it can sometimes be challenging keeping up with a face pace.”
Question 4. “The amount of books I have read this year is around ten to fifteen. A lot of them I have been re-reading are books I have read before.”
Question 5. “Currently I am re-reading a book, technically I am listening to it because it is an audiobook. I got bored while I was doing chores and I needed something to listen to so I decided to re-read The Hunger Games.”
Question 6. “My favorite book genre would probably be realistic fiction, I also like mysteries! Stuff that has action and suspense sometimes.”
Question 7. “I do enjoy reading because it’s nice to really look at a story with all the details. Like from being inside characters’ heads or the narrator. Although, it can sometimes be hard to find a book that I really love!”
Interviewee No.7
Question 1. “ Ewura Adjoa K.”
Question 2. “Fourth grade.”
Question 3. “No I am not.”
Question 4. “This school year I have read ten books so far.”
Question 5. “I am currently reading The Wild Robot.”
Question 6. I like graphic novels!”
Question 7. “Sometimes, and this is based on the type of book and the knowledge behind it.”
Interviewee No.8
Question 1. “Jada O.”
Question 2. “I’m currently in 9th grade, my freshman year of high school.”
Question 3. “Next semester I will have honors ELA and it will probably be a little more difficult, but I’ve always been good at ELA classes so I plan to do my best!”
Question 4. “I’ve read at least 2 books this year (It’s little I know).”
Question 5. “And I’m not currently reading one right now.”
Question 6. “My favorite genre is fantasy or fictional stories.”
Question 7. “I do enjoy reading because of the way you can imagine or see the story playing out in your head as you read. The stories can really get me immersed in them and make me want to read more!”
Interviewee No.9
Question 1. “My name is Jason E.”
Question 2. “I’m in 11th grade.”
Question 3. “No, I am not in honors.”
Question 4. “I have read three textbooks.”
Question 5. I am currently reading my work history textbook.”
Question 6. “My favorite genre is science fiction.”
Question 7. “I enjoy reading because it sparks imagination!”
Interviewee No.10.
Question 1. “Nana K.”
Question 2. “Seventh grade.”
Question 3. “Yes, I am in honors ELA.”
Question 4. “I have read about 10-15 books this school year.”
Question 5. “I’m currently reading Ali Cross.”
Question 6. “I like to read graphic novels.”
Question 7. “I enjoy reading graphic novels because of their illustrations.”

Above is data taken from students to examine their reading habits. 80% of students are both currently reading a book and have exclaimed that they like to read, leaving 20% in disagreement for both of those questions. Out of all the students, 60% are in honors, and 90% have read more than one book this year so far! And only 1% have found ELA to be a challenging subject.
So to conclude, When is the last time you read something? Do you remember the last time you picked up a book? “I enjoy reading because it sparks imagination!”, wouldn’t you like this magical feeling only a story or book can provide when asked why you like to read?